This service helps students to overcome situations of distress related to their choice of higher education studies, and their transition period from high-school to university or during their university career.

Orientation Counseling
It is a free service aimed at upper secondary school students who, at the end of their journey, experience the university choice phase, providing them with the tools of self-knowledge to face the choice with greater awareness.
To book an interview, the online ticketing service is active:
Psychological Clinical Counseling
It is a free service aimed at students of UniCal who experience situations of personal, motivational hardship or difficulty in studying and includes the following activities:
- reception: preliminary interview
- the cycle of clinical interviews
- follow-up interview
- periodic reports and communications
- training trainees and Accompaniment to clinical activity (first response, welcome interview).
To book an interview, the online ticketing service is active:
- Offerta Formativa
- Lauree Triennali e a Ciclo Unico
- Lauree Magistrali
- Manifesti degli Studi
- Regolamenti Didattici dei Corsi di Studio
- Regolamento Percorso di Eccellenza A.A. 2024-2025
- Brochure
- Formazione Post-Laurea
- Iscriversi, studiare e laurearsi
0984 493613
0984 493670
Via P. Bucci - Edificio 7/11 Cubo 9 Piano Terra - Rende