Segreteria Studenti e Uffici Didattici
Ammissioni e iscrizioni
Diritto allo studio
Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi (OFA)
Frequentare i corsi
Trasferimenti e passaggi di corso
Lasciare e riprendere gli studi
Tasse ed esoneri
Certificati e pergamene
Dual Career studente-atleta
Carriera Alias
Modulistica per gli studenti
Student-Athlete Dual Career

With the adoption of the memorandum of agreement among MIUR, CRUI, CONI, CIP, CUSI and ANDISU – aiming at fostering the university career of top-level athletes, the University of Calabria has endorsed the DUnicAl Career program, which enables athlete-students to combine their university and sport career in a flexible way.
The dual career program enhances sport talents and helps athletes to complete their professional sports activity thus giving students-athletes the opportunity to combine the two careers (education and sport) in a simple and flexible way.
Enrolling in Unical, the largest campus in Italy, means living in a future-oriented context, where sport becomes a vehicle for the promotion of culture, social inclusion, aggregation and participation.
Don’t wait any longer!
Follow your dreams and be part of the change.
The deadline for the submission of application for the academic year 2021/2022 was 19th November 2021.
- Offerta Formativa
- Lauree Triennali e a Ciclo Unico
- Lauree Magistrali
- Manifesti degli Studi
- Regolamenti Didattici dei Corsi di Studio
- Formazione Post-Laurea
- Orientamento e mobilità